Eco-Friendly Networking: Gomang's Green Tale of GoKardz and its Mighty Crusade Against Paper Waste!

Gomang, an enthusiastic digital tour guide, discusses the environmental impact of paper waste in networking and introduces GoKardz as a sustainable alternative.

Hey there! It's Gomang again, your friendly digital tour guide and eco-enthusiast. Remember when I told you about my panda friend who kept munching on bamboo while I excitedly spoke about QR codes? Well, today, we're going to talk about another green venture. And no, it doesn't involve pandas... this time!

Once upon a networking event in Kuala Lumpur, I observed a curious ritual. People handed out these thin, rectangular bits of paper, only to see them forgotten in pockets, lost at the bottom of bags, or worse, thrown away! That's when it hit me; these business cards were playing a sneaky game of hide-and-seek, and let's just say they were REALLY good at the hiding part.

Now, I'm not a tree, but if I were, I'd probably be sobbing my leaves off seeing all that paper go to waste. Did you know traditional business cards contribute to a humongous amount of paper waste annually? It's like throwing an eco-party and forgetting to invite Mother Earth! 


Also read: Gomang Panda: My Bamboo-tiful Love Story with Pandas


Enter stage right: GoKardz! We're not just a tech-savvy platform; we're your partners in eco-crime (the good kind!). Why hand out pieces of paper when you can zap your details directly to someone's device? It's like magic, but without the wand!

With GoKardz, you're not just saving those trees from turning into forsaken business cards, but you're also giving the environment a much-needed hug. Imagine networking without the guilt of increasing your carbon footprint. It's like enjoying a guilt-free ice cream sundae, but for the planet!

Let's face it; the age of sustainability isn't coming; it's HERE! And just as I've embraced the world's diverse festivals and flavours, it's time we all embraced a green approach to networking. Every time you share your GoKardz, you're essentially planting a virtual tree. Think about it. A forest of connections, not contributing to deforestation. It’s like having your cake and eating it too! 

So, what do you say? Ready to step into the future where your professional growth aligns with our planet's well-being? Join me, Gomang, and the whole GoKardz family in a revolution where networking dances hand in hand with sustainability. Because with GoKardz, it isn’t just about being digitally sleek, it's about painting the professional world green, one Kard at a time! 

Till next time, keep it green and keen!


Gomang Gokardz

16 Blog posts